With the recent rainstorms, new evacuation orders and devastating flooding, 5CHC has seen an influx of Southern San Luis Obispo County individuals and families who have been displaced from their home and are in need of help to meet their immediate needs. Making new connections and providing service to our South County neighbors is what 5Cities Homeless Coalition is known for, and with this new emerging need we are asking for your help. More and more find themselves in situations they could not have predicted, 5CHC, with the help of community members like you, wants to be there to get our South County neighbors back on their feet.
Your gift, big or small, will have an enormous impact on how those most in need find the hope to see through the storm and plan for a brighter future. Give the gift of home TODAY!
If You Are A South County Resident In Need...
On January 17, 2023 the Major Disaster Declaration for the State of California (FEMA-4683-DR) for severe winter storms was amended to include the County of San Luis Obispo for individual assistance, debris removal, and emergency protective measures. Residents of San Luis Obispo County will now be eligible to apply for Federal financial assistance and public agencies will be eligible to seek reimbursement for the removal of debris. Public agencies had previously been eligible for reimbursement for costs associated with emergency protective measures.
Residents who incurred financial losses due to storm damage are encouraged to apply for assistance as soon as possible online at www.disasterassistance.gov or by calling 1-800-621-3362. You can also apply for assistance by Downloading the FEMA App in the Apple and Google store. This allows you to upload documents to FEMA directly and track the status of your application.
Other Recovery Resources:
FEMA has approved Individual Assistance for residents and business owners who incurred damage to their homes.
Business owners and farmers/ranchers use this page to report flood damages.
Questions? Call us at 805-781-5678