5CHC Street Outreach team works with those living on the street and in camps throughout southern San Luis Obispo County to connect them to services and resources including food, transportation, public benefits, identification and family relocation. Our overarching goal is to connect those who are homeless to permanent housing as quickly as possible. Meeting the client “where they’re at,” our work is focused on the development of a case plan that is oriented toward their success in obtaining or maintaining housing, which is predicated by consumer choice and self-determination. Our services support the client in identifying the barriers to stable housing that they are experiencing, and assisting them with services to address these fundamental challenges.
Through this "Housing First" lens, we progressively engage clients through engagement, assessment, diversion, and addressing immediate needs (such as food and sheltering) as we work with the client with housing stabilization planning, including financial management. This work includes partnering with Arroyo Grande Community Hospital and the County Jail to improve the discharge planning for those who would be exiting to homelessness. Our outreach team actively works with those who are homeless to develop a post-release discharge plan focused on housing stability that is trauma-informed; recovery-oriented; and strengths-based.